Healing Divinity Blog | Kristina Olsson
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Full moon madness, couldn't sleep last night actually haven't had a full nights sleep for about a week. Full moon in Leo today which is my sun sign so of course it throws me off, probably the one full moon of the year that affects me the most especially since my moon is in Aquarius where the sun is at the moment.. double trouble ;-) and for all of those that think that the Full Moon and the moon cycle is mumbo jumbo... the moon affects the entire ocean and we're 80% water, you do the math.. :) (and yes I am very sensitive..!)

Anyway, since I didn't really make my list of new years resolution that I normally do too much other stuff going on especially processing all the ceremonies and deep healing that I've been undergoing in the last 6 months. Plus its about 6 months till my birthday so its a good time to set some new goals and intentions for the new year ahead. 

I've been reading a bit of Robin Sharma lately and I'm really impressed by his work and one of the great advices he gives for creating change is to create new habits. Instead of trying to redo your entire life which I sometimes urge for (which normally ends up with nothing) he suggest you should just add 3 new habits (not more, not less) for the new year and then see what they do for you. 

So since I'm a pretty unstructured person with so much creativity and ideas at times that they leave me overwhelmed and chaotic instead of productive and inspired which is how I would like to feel. But being very creative is also I believe the opposite of structure so having routines and habits is not my natural inclination. Thus even more important for me to create some structure and framework around how my days go about. 

So these are my 3 new habits that I'm going to add to my days for the new year:

1. Get up everyday before 6am, ideally the plan is to get up at 5am but I'm giving myself some slack for weekends ehum.. The reasons are plenty, most studies prove that early risers are more productive, earn more money, more happy etc. etc. and in general from a personal perspective I'm much happier and do get way more done when I get up early and I also love being awake before everyone else so..

2. Yoga flow routine everyday in fact every morning at sunrise, yes I want to be that Yogini so the only way to do it is yes to make it into a habit!

3. Write 3 morning pages every morning upon waking, I cannot tell you the magic of getting your notebook out every morning pretty much as you open your eyes. Yes, before you check your email or your Facebook or do anything else. I've learned this when I was following 'The Artists Way' a workbook for working through writers or in general any creative blocks. Its amazing if you haven't heard about, get the book and get started its a 12 week course that WILL change your life. The most important part of the course is to write the morning pages, which is 3 pages that you write upon waking and you just write whatever comes through even if its just blabla, you just have to fill the pages with something without stopping. In the beginning its hard but eventually you start filling your pages with pure magic. Its about tapping into the space between your waking consciousness and your dreamworld. Not only do you get amazingly creative and productive but you really start tapping into your inner guidance and because you're still half asleep while you're writing your ego doesn't have the time to judge or get its fingers in-between you and spirit. Pure magic I'm telling you. 

That's it! Now I've made it public so please check in with me to see how I'm doing to make sure I'm following the protocol!! hehe 

Happy Full Moon!!

~Yesterday Morning, February 9th, 2015~ Waking up at 4:35am, don't feel like I should, my heart is widening, expanding, expanding into a never ending implosion.

Realize as I lie there, that there is no way I'm going to get up right now. The energy keeps surging through my heart, I keep growing bigger and bigger, I cannot feel where I begin and where I end anymore.

There's a storm inside my chest, I'm just allowing it to be, not that I have any other choice, the energy is in control of me now. I'm just observing, feeling, allowing it to happen as its happening, letting it work through me. Purging out eons of whatever it may be, expanding becoming bigger than this Earth, expanding growing, never ending Me, splitting into two, to three, I'm loosing count..

Waking up hours later, don't remember falling asleep, still tired, cannot move my body. Scan my body, opening up, letting the energy flow, soon I fall back to sleep again.

Wake up around 1pm, my body feels back to normal. I can get up, pee, make some food. My head feels clear again, this cloud I've been feeling under for the last couple of weeks have finally lifted.

There's a time for everything, this time was now. Ligthness of being, a sense of ease finally. Spent the rest of the day eating, reading inspirational texts, walking on the beach grounding myself.

Much Love, Kristina

What blocks us from miracles or abundance or really what blocks us from having all that we want is our belief that we somehow have to make it happen ourselves. Of course there will always be the need for us to show up or to take inspired action but it should be fun and real fun can be challenging because it makes us step out of our comfort zone. It makes us Grow and Evolve into something greater than we were. The whole point of life is the journey, the continuous expansion of who we are. We tend to lose the joy and happiness when we become stagnant because somehow we have let ourselves to be trapped into fear.

When we trust, really trust both ourselves and the universe. We trust our inner guidance, our inner knowing, we trust our intuition, our gut feeling AND we trust that the universe Loves us, that we are always supported, always taken care of and never ever alone on our path. Then we can let go of needing to know all the details, letting go of the need to know how things are supposed to play out.

We as humans in our limited 3D perspective can only see so far and are only meant to see so far.. our higher Self on the other hand can see infinite possibilities and see into infinity in all directions, past present, future. Your higher Self can also change timelines, and change the way of our path Always. So through the belief that everything will work our perfectly, sending out the vibration of Trust into the universe will ALLOW whatever serves us the best to come upon our path. But we have to let go of the idea of how this will come about. As I'm sure you've herd the saying sometime things need to fall apart, to fall into place..

All we need to do is to trust and to follow the inspired action that we feel guided or shall I say inspired (In Spiritus) to do. Trust and leave the rest to Source. Step out of your own way and let the Love flow. Because that's what you are, pure and infinite Love so let go of any doubt that you would ever be anything else than that. 

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