Healing Divinity Blog | Kristina Olsson
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When I was three I was lucky enough for my mom to put my in my first dance class, it was a rhythmic dance class for toddlers. My dance teacher was this African guy 'Ahmadhu Jarr' that was sitting behind his conga drums in traditional clothing and just happened to be Neneh Cherry and Eagle Eye Cherry's dad. :)

The class consisted of us children dancing our hearts out in what ever form our bodies wanted to move to the beat of his drums while he was holding the space.. Since then if not before, I have always loved dancing.. It has always been the place that I go to when I need to release energy, frustration, joy and sometimes my body needs to move because it needs to move.. dance has always preceded any spiritual practice such as meditation etc. and I dance everyday no exception. Often just alone in my room when I need to or in between sessions.

When I dance I become one with all that Is, I am the music, I am the beat and the joy of being alive just exudes through me, I become the vibration of movement of flowing grace.

I learned fairly early in life that I could create a forcefield around me when I was dancing that would pull people closer, that would make me magnetic. That if I wanted to, I could fill the dance floor by just dancing and letting the music dance me.. simply closing my eyes and letting my body guide me to how I wanted to move. If I set my intention that I wanted people to come closer or a specific person for that matter, I could by the beat of my feet and the movement of my hips make it happen.

There's a great wisdom within the physical body that many people don't connect with. Most people have learned that you should follow your head and not your body. Learned that our physical urges are somehow dirty and filthy. That being in the body is somehow less than being an intellectual for example. 

Yet, spirit communicate with us through our bodies, through our feelings and the sensations and urges that comes through the physical creation that you are manifesting. Most people that are disconnected to their bodies, also hate dancing or they simply say that they don't know how.. Now, everyone can dance, but just like with everything else, you have just forgotten how.. :)

To help you remember and to help you connect with your body again, I would like you to simply learn to dance with your closed eyes, learn to feel how the vibration of the music feels in your body and letting go, letting the body show you how you want to move. So put your favourite music on and let yourself be expressed.. 

So Much Love! 

Your thoughts and words create your external reality, choose your thoughts wisely and always focus on what you want to have more of in your life. Focus on the love, focus on the light, focus on the good in the world.

There's so much love in this world, yet when we watch the news we are filled with doom and gloom. Don't let yourself be brainwashed with negativity, choose where you want to place your attention. Choose what source of information you want to fill your being with. Choose what kind of people you want to surround yourself with. Choose the life you want to live, it all start with your mind, with your thoughts. Your mind is powerful beyond what you can imagine.

As you start shifting your focus towards love and light, you will find your life transformed in the most miraculous way. Trust the light, and follow the path of love and compassion, and the world will reflect the love back to you.

Nothing can be as healing as connecting to Earth, as we connect to earth we reconnect to our own blueprint, our optimal self. Nature is spirit in its purest form, when we connect with nature we also connect with the purity within us.

Just by setting your intention to heal and connecting to nature and allowing her to guide you on your journey. For example I often advice my clients to go and lean up against a tree to ground themselves. You just need to ask and the tree will simply ground you.

Most of us living on the planet today is not just disconnected to our planet, but also disconnected to our bodies and our feeling self. The three are intricately connected, when you connect with nature you connect with the infinite light within you and as so you will also expand your ability to feel.

Your body is your physical manifestation of Earth. It is your very own spacesuit, that you yourself designed upon coming to earth. Your body is of earth and will return to earth when you leave this realm. By connecting to your body and earth you're also connecting to the knowledge and wisdom of Gaia.

As we as spirit has lived many lifetimes in the ether and higher vibratory environments, life on earth can sometimes seem dense. By ignoring our bodies while living disconnected to earth that disconnection and discomfort will grow even stronger.

By connecting to earth we will not only become softer as human beings but we will also learn how to manifest in the physical realm. Often people that are spiritual are also very disconnected to earth, they have lots of energy flowing through their crown but not as much running down through their legs and lower chakras and even less divine earthly energies running up through their legs.

Somehow among the spiritual community its become a greater feat to have opened your third eye than to have an open root, or activated feet chakras. If you only knew the pleasure that you can retrieve from connecting to earth and the earthly abundance that you can manifest through your connection with earth. Least not to forget as above as below..

You are a part of earth as every living creature, there is nothing separate between you and earth and every living being. The more you connect to the realm which interlinks us all (earth) the more connected will you not just be with yourself but this entire universe.

Love Yourself, Love Earth!

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