Becky's ❤️ Immersion Program Testimonial
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Becky's ❤️ Immersion Program Testimonial

What has been the best thing about this program?

Having so much space set out each and every week to meet and take so much quiet and intentional meditative space was an incredible gift & a teacher in its own right. It has helped me to commit more time, and having six months of sessions helped to deeply consolidate much of the guidance that Kristina both offered herself and channelled energetically. In a moment when I might otherwise doubt or limit myself, I can easily feel reassured and resourced remembering and reconnecting with conversations we shared. I feel empowered in a way I haven't before.

What changes have you noticed throughout the program? Inner and outer? Psychical, spiritual, mental and emotionally?

I hadn't even realized how much stagnant energy from a challenging season a few years ago had remained with me. I had done therapy and my own processing, and yet aspects still remained that were holding me back. I was actively shrinking myself, my energy. Kristina helped me to identify these stuck pieces and to release them and things really took off from there! Week to week, things felt subtle, and yet when I look back the depth and breadth of what has shifted for me is incredible. I feel more fully myself, and more connected than I have for a long time. 

Years ago, I had a one off session with Kristina which was quite different from this recent experience through the six month intensive. That session years ago blew me out of the cosmic waters, in a sense, which was timely and important and transformative at that time & put me on an entirely different trajectory in my life. These six months of the intensive were just as powerful even if they were also, as I mentioned, more subtle. I felt more grounded throughout our work. That one session years ago gave me a greater sense of the cosmos, divinity, purpose, and existential context. The intensive these past months gave me more clarity, connection, and empowerment for this specific existence, in this precious life I chose to live. I feel the gift of that on a whole other level.

What I love in the work with Kristina is how different it can be from season to season, and from one person to another. I have recommended many friends to see her, and each has such a unique takeaway while consistently all feeling supported and clearer in their path. (Kristina is also always very quick to note the healing isn't about or from her, and while I understand this perspective, I am still very grateful for how she works in the world and that she's doing the invaluable work that she's doing. 💜 )

Has the program met your expectations?

I didn't have many expectations, but I am so grateful I decided to do the intensive, and the results have been incredible!

What would you have liked less of?

What would you have liked more of?

My goals were more vague and this worked well for me, specifically, even if it may not for others. I appreciated that Kristina had the flexibility to move with me week to week with where I was at. Looking back, there were definitely patterns and themes but I didn't go in with much structure and I appreciated Kristina being so comfortable with this. I also deeply trust Kristina & the work she does so often left the focus of the session up to where she felt directed. 

What have you learned?

I learned a deeper sense of trust and connection with myself. I feel more freedom and less shame. I thought I had dealt with a lot of issues around shame but discovered there was more than I was aware of & I now feel the freedom from that, as well as a better attunement to blocks like that when they do come up. 


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Immersion Program Testimonial

What are the things that you have appreciated the most about this program? I appreciated the deep, ongoing, and consistent support.  It really helped to support the dedication and motivation necessary

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