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12 Week - Light Body Activation Course


The purpose of this course is to give you the tools to activate your own light body. The book in itself is not so much a course in words or facts but rather a course in vibrational frequencies. It’s about learning how to tap into the infinite light within you and allowing it to transform everything that is not of the highest. What I want you to do when you read to this book is to listen more with your body than with your mind. Feel the words, feel the vibration of the words, feel how it feels to receive them in your body. You may want to take breaks in between to just close your eyes and feel how what you’re reading is making you feel. To continuously keep in touch with your sentient ability, your ability to feel at all times. I will go more in depth shortly on the outmost importance of developing your sentient ability as you begin to activate your own light body. There’s within you an infinite eternal intelligence that is always present whether you’re consciously aware of its presence or not. This presence which I like to call Source (you may call it God, the Universe, All That Is…) it’s the life force energy that runs through you continuously, constantly. It’s the eternal stream of consciousness that you are an intricate part of. That we all are, the entirety of existence is a part of this web, this infinite energy of pure creation. The more of this light that you can open up to, the greater wellbeing you will experience in your life.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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