Healing Divinity Blog | Kristina Olsson
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The throat chakra and the feet/legs tend to be the most blocked in everyone I work with. The throat chakra is one of the most fascinating chakras as it's not just related to our voice but it's really related to our truth and who we are in the world. Or rather the face(s) that we show up with in the world.

When we open our throat chakra we let go of the masks that we have held over our face, the ideas of who we should be and we become the unique essence that we are underneath it all.

When we open our throat chakra our voice becomes more clear and much much deeper. If you always thought you couldn't sing, then you just need to work on opening your throat because we can all sing. It's just the things that lie on top of our voice that makes our voice "unpretty" or unable to hold a clear tune. That's why chanting and singing mantras can be such a powerful practice to open our voice and to release the blockages to be heard and to be seen. Or simply to start telling your truth and to never lie, to yourself or others.

Starting to chant or to sing higher vibrational sounds like mantras are also a very powerful energetic practice which allows us to become our own tuning fork. Our own signing bowl. I personally found that I can find things in my field that I hadn't even noticed before I started my chanting on that specific day. Through my voice it's like I activate a higher part of myself that I can't access unless I use my voice, or rather unless I use my voice to sing mantras especially. I can see where there are blockages in my voice and through the blockages in my voice I can see where I might hold on to emotions or things that are blocking the energy from moving through freely.

The voice is an immensely powerful tool for healing. Through our voice we become pure vibration and we send that vibration through our entire physical form. We naturally bridge the space between physical form and energy because sound is pure energy - pure vibration.

If the front of our throat is who we are in the world, our face forward then the back of our throat is our connection to our guides and our higher self. The back of our throat, our neck is through where we communicate with the spirit world. It's deeply connected to our ears and our pharynx. How much can we hear without our mind interfering? How much truth can we hear? How much can we trust our own inner guidance?

If we feel that we have to hold back of who we are, can we say that we feel safe in the world? If we feel that we have to hide behind masks, how safe do we feel in ourselves? To be who we truly are?

Each on of us comes with unique gifts and talents that are complementary to others gifts and talents. This idea that capitalism and limitations has given us is that we have to compete for resources and for survival. Whereas in reality, yes there are finite resources on this planet but if we share and manage together as one, where each one of us complements the whole then we will always have enough. Then each one of us are valuable to the whole.

One of the fascinating things about becoming our true self and starting to express our truth is that it's not always pleasing to others. This doesn't mean that we are mean or at odds with others rather we may not be able to be what others want or expect us to be. Instead we start to care for our own needs and maybe speak our truth with less charge to it. Because what's the need to argue and fight when we know that our truth is truth, there's no need to convince anyone else. When I hear me, I have much less need for you to hear me, or to understand me. Rather I can accept that there are parts of me that you will never understand because in the end we are reflections of each other more than anything else. What I see in you is a reflection of me and what you see in me is a reflection of you.

When I hear and understand me, I have less need for anyone to hear or understand me. I don't need the external validation or acceptance anymore. Because I have already given myself that acceptance and validation from myself. I have in many ways become free to be me.

I truly believe that the throat chakra is our gateway to freedom. To be our unique self - just as we were born, without masks or pretences. Free to be as we are.

Thank you for reading.

Much Love,


I've always been deeply fascinated by astrology and I started asking people what sun sign they were from a very early age trying to categorise people in my mind. Trying to see if there were correlations between how some were and how others were not. This is how my mind works all the time, trying to understand.

Then these last couple of years I've added some tools to my tool box, tools that are based on when we are born, the day, month and time yet use systems beyond just astrology.

I came upon Gene Keys back in 2014 and it's been several years of digesting the immense information that this system holds. The Gene Keys is a system developed by Richard Rudd an exquisite channel of Divinity is the best way that I can describe him. I would highly recommend making your own profile on genekeys.com then you need to buy the book The Gene Keys to read further to understand your own personal key. The book The Gene Key is like an enlightened bible. You can open pretty much any page and receive divine guidance, it's as if no words are unaligned or untrue. It's all perfect somehow.

What's really special about this system is that it explains what you are here to learn, it explains your shadows and that from each of our shadows we can grow our own genius and from our genius we can expand into our Siddhi - our enlightened self.

This is a summary of my Gene Key in the Genius Sequence:

My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 4 Your work in the world is to open the minds of others through your ability to show others another way of looking at things. You are also particularly equipped to handle challenging relationships and to assist others in doing so. This is, therefore, likely to be a feature of your life. You also have a sharp and incisive gift of locking in precisely on the truth underlying any given situation, as well as being able to communicate this clearly to others. Because you have a constantly enquiring mind, you need to realise that all the answers you have been gathering for so long were never really intended for you. They are simply building up in a great reservoir for the sake of helping others resolve their questions. Your mind is, therefore, not your means of deciding anything for yourself but is the tool to help others clarify their decisions.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 49 Despite your highly astute mind, the real core of your power finds its grounding here in the 49th Gift — in the rebellious surge you feel for freedom and justice. This need to break out of established moulds and to break out of the mind altogether is the balance to your mental alacrity. In many ways your life will manifest the constant interplay between the insights and worries of your mind and the joys and tribulations of your emotions and principles. If you allow yourself to become a victim of mental anxiety, you will find yourself emotionally confused. These two states are intimately linked within you — so that when you feel mentally clear, you cannot be drawn into someone else's emotional drama. Whatever your mind sees, your heart underlines it with revolutionary intent, and this forms the basis of all your actions in the world. The essence of your role is to change the way people think — about themselves, about each other, and about the world at large.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 8 You need to find a unique way to express your inner nature in the world. For you, the worst thing in the world is to look like someone else or live in the same way as someone else. Right down to the clothes you wear and your lifestyle, you need to find the materials that fit and suit you, rather than someone else's image of what you look best in. To bring out your most exquisite nature you almost need to wear clothes that no one else has. Everything about your life has to be tailor-made. There is nothing more damaging to you than the mass-produced culture that we live in. You are unique, and your life must express the essence of this uniqueness. This takes considerable courage on your part, because you have to forget the voice in your head and listen to the feeling in your heart.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 14 The purpose of your life is not something that you yourself may ever even notice or care about. In fact, in order for you to fulfil the true purpose of your life, you need to have given up caring what it is. The reason for this is that your purpose is about empowerment — of yourself and others. You have an astounding power hidden within you, and it emerges without your thinking about it, or even knowing it. This sense of power is easily discernible to others, and you may receive great recognition and reward for the energy you expend for the sake of others. Ironically, you have no real agenda for saving the world, but simply enjoy working hard in the direction of your passion. If you happen to help another or empower another, it is a by-product of something you simply did because it felt good to you. This brand of selfishness, which isn't really selfish at all, is the source of your deepest power. Forget all about being powerful and saving others — simply do what you love in life, and the rest will follow.

The second system that I've added to my tool box is Human Design. This is a system that I came across only last year in 2021 so I don't know that much about it. At first I rejected the notion of this system because I didn't like the idea of being a Generator - which I first read was someone that was like a slave to others - that their purpose in life was to give energy to others. Coming out of 2020.. it wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear. Yet when I gave it some more consideration I have understood more about this system and how I learned that a generator needs to follow their joy to not become someone that others use. Then the coin dropped. You can create your own free profile on human.design where you also get a brief summary about each centre and what it means to have certain centres open or defined and how it affects your life. The more I'm learning about this system the more I'm understanding that it's a great tool to understand myself and how to better take care of my own needs so that I can be in more harmony with life.

One of the things that I took from Human design is my profile which is 5/1, I'm a Heretic/Investigator - for those that are new to this system it may not say much but what I took from this is that most people don't see me. They project this idea of who they want me to be, this is something I have experienced so many times. That people often put me on a pedestal and then after some time I fall down and I've gone from the best to the worst. From my point of view I have done very little to affect one way or another. Learning this has helped me to let go of trying to influence how others perceive me. Because it doesn't matter. Others judgement and perspective of me has very little to do with me. Hallelujah that's freedom to be myself.

Another thing that was affirming to me of how sensitive I am is that I have an open solar plexus so I feel everything that others are feeling and that I need to spend time alone to be able to feel what I truly feel. That being around people all the time drains me and that I need to take time making decisions because I'm deeply influenced by the energies of others around me.

Now there's plenty more to say about these systems because I've just mentioned a fraction of each system but I think its better for each person to do their own individual profile and to read what the founder of each system has to say. Go to the source so to say.

Please let me know after you've done your profile how you feel it resonates. Very curious to know.

Much love and thank you for reading.


I'm in Portugal right now, visiting my parents who live here, coincidentally I left a bag here 4 years ago where I found 4 notebooks from back then. As I was leafing through the old notebooks this morning, I was intrigued to find that my thoughts seem so similar to now. All the things that I was planning to do, that I'm still planning to do..

A few things have slipped away. Like Mexico. I've held on to this idea that one day I would live in Mexico... but I haven't visited Mexico for 8 years since 2014 until recently where I discovered that I don't want to live in Mexico and the idea that I've held on to was just that. An idea.

Yet because I never pursued the idea because I had all these other things calling me to do first, I held on to the idea of Mexico which in a way prevented me from fully settling anywhere else - like Peru.

But now when I know that Mexico isn't what I wanted it to be, then Peru seems so much more appealing to me now. Funny how my dreaming mind can keep me in loops.

Other than that I still have the same ideas and guidance as to what I should do and what I want to do. I don't seem to have changed much. Not my desires and wants or how I prefer to live my life. That's pretty simple. The question has always been - where?

The thing with Mexico was that I needed to go there to retrieve soul pieces and I needed to receive energetic transmissions. I was also called to San Cristobal De Las Casas to help clean and activate the Ley Line that runs through San Cristobal and then up and down throughout Mexico and all of Central America. So going to Mexico wasn't all for nothing. Not at all, as nothing ever is. But it's still funny how my mind has kept me in a loop about one day living in Mexico. But I also believe that I spent many lifetimes in Mexico and that I hold a deep connection to the land.

Mexico was also where I first ate Peyote back in 2012 and was told to go home to Vancouver and open up a healing studio, to start working as a healer. So Mexico will always have a special place in my heart.

Now I wonder what others ideas or dreams that I've held on to but I haven't pursued yet, that have just been dreams and not actual guidance?

I've been in a deeply feminine passive state for years now, where I've been going through deep healing processes that seem to have taken all my energy and time. I think maybe now I'm starting a different cycle. The expansion process will continue but the depth of my healing may not be as necessary. In a way that's what I hope or maybe the process will simply change its course? There's a part of me that wants to be more in life. Even though I realised that traveling doesn't excite me at all as it would have done to my younger self. I rather long to own my own piece of land and to grow many plants, trees, herbs and flowers. To stay somewhere and put my roots down deep.

I had a day when I woke up in San Cristobal De Las Casas and I woke up from a lucid dream where I was flying everywhere and as I was walking down the streets of San Cristobal wondering how "real" life could seem so dull compared to my dreams. Uff that's such a sad thought isn't it but I realised then and there that I my travels through my inner world is unfortunately so much more exciting to me than traveling in this world.

I guess that's also a sign of inner richness in a way that we may not always talk about spirituality or about awakening. How it does open up to a deep inner world.

What I realised leafing through those notebooks to tie this story together is that I need to pursue all the ideas that I have so that I don't just hold on to some distant dream while distracting myself in the present moment when maybe the dream is just that - a dream.

Hoping to pursue more of a masculine energy of doing and making things happen or at least pursuing the things that I've been thinking of doing for years now.

One of the things that I did notice that was different from back then - is that I am much more together now. When I first arrived to the Sacred Valley in Peru from the jungle; the Apus (the spirits of the mountains) told me that I would become like them from being around them.

I can feel that now, something has deeply settled within me. From having been like the wind that always needed to roam, I'm deeply grounded and I feel whole. Like I don't need to move anymore yet I can go within and from there I can roam. It's kind of beautiful actually and maybe now I finally understand what the Apus meant.

Much Love, thank you for reading!


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